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Our Approach to

Emotional Health and Nurturing

The small size of our student population is powerful in assuring an intensive, individualized program for each student and family.

Our students feel the support offered through the love and boundaries of our program. Clinicians and staff, who are specifically trained in working with our population, understand and are dedicated to providing the support and skill building needed to help the student feel hope and confidence in their future.

Individualized Attention

Students find Maple Lake Academy a place that provides positive experiences and challenges that encourage growth in all areas of their life.

No two individuals with learning differences are exactly alike and each student is accepted to the academy based on their level of functioning. Hand in hand with our staff, students are actively involved in developing an academic Student Education Plan (SEP) and a therapeutic Master Treatment Plan (MTP) designed to address the academic, emotional and social areas of concern. Both the SEP and MTP utilize systematic and strategic interventions developed specifically to meet the student’s unique needs. At the completion of the MLA program, students and their families will have a good understanding of their learning differences and a greater awareness of their many strengths and abilities. Skills learned at Maple Lake Academy will be valuable in assisting our students in the journey toward academic success, healthy social relationships and independence.

Therapeutic Program

The therapeutic program at Maple Lake academy consists of structured individual, group, family and recreation experiential therapies. Each student at Maple Lake receives a minimum of 20 hours of therapy per week.

Our program allows the students the opportunity to work through personal and family struggles and gives the optimum opportunity to learn social and life skills in a consistent and individualized manner. Framed with love and boundaries, our program provides the scaffolding for change and growth for both our students and their families. Throughout the therapeutic process, Maple Lake Academy therapists customize the treatment plan to fit each girl’s specific needs. Without a Level system, Maple Lake Academy monitors progress individually and focuses on strengths and successes.

This builds self-esteem and allows students to be a part of their progress, rather than just receiving feedback and being placed in levels that determine what privileges they can enjoy at any given time. A Level system can be very frustrating and detrimental to our students. At Maple Lake we have a fluid Light system that allows our students to develop new skill sets as they learn and grow and not be “punished” during the growth process. This Light system, along with our patient and consistent staff, provide a safe and supportive framework for our students.

Maple Lake Academy is located in a small, safe community that has proven to be a wonderful resource for opportunities to serve, volunteer, find employment, attend extracurricular activities, participate in local sports teams, and enroll in college courses. With the individualization aspect of our treatment program, we are able to take advantage of this local community to expand and stretch our students when they are ready.